Sunday, April 24, 2011

Error occurred; reboot

This was a great idea when it started: Doodle something and post it every day. It went pretty smoothly for a while. Then I'd miss a couple days, then a week, then months would go by without a single pen scratch uploaded. Don't get me wrong, I have been doodling... like this one, when we went to Florida and stayed at the Liki Tiki Village:

But getting it scanned and uploaded was a little prohibitive. Then I got busy with actual freelance work.

Blah blah blah. I'm going to try and make another go of it. I took a photo of the tikis with my phone, emailed it to myself, corrected it a little, and uploaded it. Bingo. This one I drew on my phone using an app called SketchBook and required no correction:

I still don't see it being everyday, but it will be more often than it has been! Thanks to all of you for following. I won't let you down.

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