Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Bird Brain

Update: This illustration now has a purpose, on the label of LaFleur Brewing Company's label for Fleur-de-Lys, a big Belgian-styled specialty ale with ginger, Seville orange and Meyer lemon peel, and a big flavor. I quickly realized that retro-fitting old doodles and existing art into a bottle label was not the way to go. These needed to be made specifically for each beer type and name.


  1. Cool stuff! I found you via Threadless, and now I am following your doodle blog!

  2. PS It seems like for those Threadless contests it doesn't really matter who is in first. I think they pick from the top 15 or so. Check out closed competitions...It's still anyone's game, and your design is really great

  3. Hello, Jenny, and welcome to the Deli! Thanks for looking me up. This is my infrequently updated sketch/doodle blog, as you've probably guessed. I am a professional freelance illustrator, and I am always doodling.

    Thanks for the contest 411, too. I figured that there had to be more to it than just who had the highest average score. From the top 15, eh? There are a couple really great ones in there, and a couple of stinkers. I think I probably disqualified myself when I altered Finch's sub kit from red stripes to blue. Oh well. It was fun. I'll keep my pencils crossed, though. You never know.

  4. I don't think you disqualified yourself--the description of the contest did say that you could cover every inch of the can (I know the Illustrator template had that "Do Not Alter" layer; I was confused by that, too)

    I, too, am a freelancer in illustration and design just starting out (mostly print). I also am hoping to start picking up some motion work.

    Here is my blog: jennifergoldstick.blogspot.com . It's great to discover other people pursuing similar artistic aspirations. I look forward to seeing future doodles, however infrequent! Thanks for having me!
